Horrorible Book Review: Author Madeline Roux

Enjoy this Monday with Mildred!

This is also a Zombie World Tour post – in book form!

 Allison Hewitt is Trapped and Sadie Walker is Stranded

Yes, the title is not what drew me to this book.  I saw that it was written by a woman and was intrigued.  Then I saw the woman is not only young but has a degree in creative writing.  Ooooh, two strikes against.  Still, I took a chance and got it.  Since then I’ve loaned it out a couple of times because it’s a pretty good book.

Instead of the My Cool Journal About The Horrible Zombie Times of J.L. Bourne, the titular Ms. Hewitt continues to somehow blog after being trapped with some co-workers and customers in the back room of a bookstore.  A week’s worth of stopped up toilets and only chips to eat later, the action gets going. Her explanation for how she keeps blogging after the world ends is somewhat believable, so it didn’t throw me out of the story.

The book moves along at a good pace, and as often happens with women authors, it’s even less about the zombies, who are always there and always dangerous, but really, how about that dreamy Army guy instead? (Or Construction guy, or Superhero guy…it’s kind of a Village People approach to The Guy in the zombie novels I’ve read that are written by women.)

As Allison is a capable woman I don’t mind this too much, and the author gives a very interesting take on how different people would react in a zombie apocalypse.  I recommend you get Allison Hewitt is Trapped.

Next in Madeline Roux’s Awkward Title series is Sadie Walker is Stranded.  I bought it as soon as it came in because I thought so highly of her first A Zombie Novel title.

Her writing remains fluid and enjoyable, and her apocalyptic world remains very dangerous and gory.  But there was just something about this one that made me not enjoy it nearly as much as her first.  Mostly it’s that we get a clearer view of her taste in men (older, controlling) and her firm belief that Americans are completely incapable of handling a catastrophe.  And you know, who wants their zombie apocalypse to be a downer?  😉

She hasn’t come up with a new zombie novel since Stranded, instead writing a series called Asylum, based in a crumbling old psychiatric hospital.  Even pictures of those places creep me out, so the books are probably good.


Allison Hewitt is Trapped book cover

Allison Hewitt is Trapped book cover.

Sadie Walker is Stranded book cover.

Sadie Walker is Stranded book cover.

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