Thank You, Cranky

Cranky Curmudgeon logo created by M. Lion using Firefly AI from Adobe.
Cranky Curmudgeon logo created by M. Lion using Firefly AI from Adobe.

A Salute to the Heart of Chick Flicking Reviews

Today is a great day. Today we raise a glass and celebrate Mildred, aka Horrorible Reviews, aka Monday With Mildred, aka Zombie fan, aka Cranky Curmudgeon, writing for this blog for 10 years.

I knew Mildred long before this blog. She loved all kinds of media and was always a storyteller. We would talk media and stories – and how much we enjoyed awesome women characters. We might differ on our opinions about stories, but we could appreciate one another’s tastes.

I remember sharing with Mildred that I had created a movie review blog Chick Flicking Reviews. I really wanted to write about movies and media from my POV. Mildred was interested and I told her to submit reviews. I would of course credit her. It was fun to read her reviews and get emails and messages from her about her posts. They were always so good and different from mine. Our voices and review organizing gave our audience new perspectives. I am pleased to say she was the first contributor. She turned into the heart of this blog.

I discovered Mildred’s love of and expertise in all things zombies. Or rather ZOMBIES. If I ever need to know anything about any movie zombie, Mildred is always the person to ask. She also slayed at the Plants vs. Zombies game. I am still speechless at the levels she reached.

She also loves horror. Last movie we watched together was The Blackening and OMG she was so right. It was so good.

Mildred has helped me in many ways. I have always enjoyed her intellect, wit, writing, and computer skills. I am grateful she contributes to this blog. I am more grateful that she and her partner are in my life.

I will finally add, and yes I have added this before, that Mildred is now known on the blog as Cranky Curmudgeon. Or just Cranky. Therefore her fans should be called Crankies.

I am happy to write: I’m a Crankie.

So I raise a glass – and encourage you to do the same of whatever you like – and salute Mildred in all of her amazing writing glory.

Two glasses of beer.
Glasses of whiskey.

Love to you, Mildred, Cranky, friend! I look forward to you being in my life and on this blog for a long, long time.

-CFR, aka Margaret

Plants vs. Zombies logo.
I had to add this to honor Mildred’s amazing gameplay.

Cranky Curmudgeon: In Addition

Our dear Cranky had some things to share about the above post. I was sneaky and didn’t tell her I was writing this until this morning. * GRIN * So via the power of text, I shall write her post below. – CFR

I still remember CFR standing over my shoulder reading my screen, as faculty tended to do at my desk, and seeing a very short and very poorly written review of a movie that I still actually remember ten years later. It was going to my listserv, but they asked me to submit it to the new blog, and that was the beginning. I love writing for ChickFlickingReviews, it’s been a highlight of my life and I’m so grateful CFR gave me the opportunity. 

CFR is a rare thing in my life, a friend and someone I admire quite a bit. Hugs and kisses to you, my friend. ❤️

Oh gosh shucks. I love Cranky. (I also really love calling her Cranky or Cranky C which just goes to show that friendship brings joy constantly.)

NOTE: Cranky has never written anything poorly in her life. Short, BTW, is FINE. Good writing knows no pre-determined length.

Thanks for helping to create the first Cranky Curmudgeon: In Addition, Cranky! LOVE YOU! – CFR

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